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Reflections On The Existence Of The Creator (Issue 13)
Dec 31, 1995

All living creatures are formed out of the same elements. You were completely unknown to the whole world nine months before your birth. Like everybody else from the time of Adam and Eve you were an object-fluid semen in the veins of your father and an ovum in the ovary of your mother. Both-the fluid and ovum-were made from the same elements, which had come from earth, air and water.

Like everybody else, you were settled in a safe, well-guarded place. The door of that place was closed immediately after you were admitted therein as a treasured guest. You began to develop in a certain direction. No one knew for certain that you would be able to come into the world, that you would develop into a male or female or exactly when and where you would be born, nor what you would be like, how long you would live, where or how you would spend your life, when and where you would die, and so on.

After you underwent certain stages of development, you entered into the world as a unique, living individual. Until then you had resembled every other embryo in the wombs of mothers. But once life was breathed into you, you entered a completely new, different stage of development. The food with which you were fed or the particles which entered your body from earth, air and water were in no way different from those which had been entering your body before, and which enter all other living bodies. But for all that sameness, out of all that sameness, you came into your individuality-distinguished in personality capabilities, ambitions, bodily characteristics down to your fingerprints and the lines on the palms of your hands.

The potential alternatives before you were only you were countless: whether you would be white or black or of some other complexion; what colour your eyes would be, what kind of hair you would have, and so on. And neither you nor your parents had any part in determining your sex, colour, date and place of your birth, and your nationality Also, no one and nothing had any part in arranging the immediate or general environment around you. Like everybody else, you found yourself in an environment suitable for sustaining your life: your physical belonging with the world had been arranged long before you or anyone else came into it.

Should you then not reflect on all these phenomena? Is it conceivable that you are quite unable to discern an absolute knowledge, an absolute will and an absolute power behind these phenomena? Is it possible for any power except one who knows all human beings in all the detail of the physical, biological, psychological and spiritual structures of each, who knows the whole of nature with all its parts from the minutest to the largest, to have brought you and your environment into existence? Is it conceivable that any being who lacks in an absolute will-power to determine every creature in all its aspects, every human being with all his or her characteristics, could have fashioned you and your environment? Does it befit one who has been granted some power of reasoning to attribute all these phenomena to other than one who disposes absolute power?